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Trust in God is ultimately trusting is what He says in His word or what the WORD says.
The New Life principles are designed to help you better manage stress. Eliminating stress, while ideal, is impossible. However, learning how to address stress so that it has less of a negative effect on your health is possible.
Many people experience some sleep but they do not experience rest and as such many don’t fully understand what Refreshing Rest is.
Refreshing Rest is going to bed in harmony with your circadian rhythm, the sleep/wake cycle determined by day and night, which allows the release of hormones that promote deep sleep. Experiencing deep sleep is what allows you to wake up completely refreshed.
The sun is, has been, and always will be a friend to those who understand the principle of Enjoying Sunshine and how to benefit from its health-promoting properties.
The principle of Enjoy Sunshine or light was established at creation and is closely linked to Christ, the provider of all health
Jesus is the true Light, which lights the way for every man. The physical sun, with all of it health benefits, life-giving rays, and not to mention the warmth it brings to this planet, is just a mere representation of the True Light, the Son of God.
A clear relationship should be understood and communicated of how what we
eat works in harmony with the law of the body. “…make plain natural law and urge the obedience of it.” (T3, p. 161)
Of all the 10 principles of health established in the first two chapters of Genesis, Nutrition is the clearest and most explicit in terms of a mandate from God. That which was important to God and the newly created couple, God gave explicit instructions: He told them where to go and where not to go; He told them what to eat and what not to eat. Incidentally, these two things were connected – eat from any tree here in the garden, go and eat, but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, don’t eat from it; no need to go there. He was very explicit.
The animals were already created, but from the options available to God, He chose a specific menu for them, a plant-based diet.
It can’t be emphasized enough that perfect health is a result of perfect circulation. When the body is inactive, it is thrown out of balance, blood circulation is compromised, normal stress becomes overwhelming to the system, and mental clarity and focus are diminished. There is a direct correlation between lack of exercise, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease. When following a good workout routine it is easier to combat stress and get more accomplished while feeling less fatigued.
Nothing quenches the thirst like water. Nothing cleanses like water. In fact, while drinking water, one actually cleanses the body’s organs. Today, many opt for sugary juices with artificial flavors or soda. We know, however, that the generous and frequent use of water is one of the key ingredients to good health.
According to John 7:38, water also has spiritual health benefits. Jesus said that those who believe on Him would have living water flowing from his belly. This, of course, was a reference to the Holy Spirit. There is no greater health than to be filled with the Spirit of God to the extent that if flows outward to the world.
From a spiritual perspective, temperance is one of the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:23). It is important that a man be temperate in all things.
Most people do not know what it means to be temperate. Temperance does not just apply to food, although the subject of food is where it is mostly applied. It is important to recognize that dismissing any of the 10 principles of health, including not getting sufficient rest, working too many hours, engaging in a sedentary lifestyle, or not drinking water, is absolutely a violation of living temperately. A clear definition of what constitutes living temperately is needed.
You’ve heard the saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Certainly you have experienced its truth at one time or another. For example, have you ever been excited to give someone a gift? Furthermore, once you gave it to them, and said “Open it! Open it!” did you do a little “hurry up” dance as they unwrapped it, and then held your breath as you waited for their reaction? That’s the thrill of giving, and science says it has a healthy, therapeutic effect physiologically.
A recent study has provided additional evidence that assisting others in a tangible way not only protects our health but also lengthens our lives. In this research it was found that those who had helped others in some way the previous year had lower mortality rates than those who had not helped others.
Fresh Air is one of the few things that can bring about the fastest change in health. Fresh Air, especially near the ocean, a forest, in the mountains, or after a rain fall is full of highly negatively charged ions – the best kind of Fresh Air there is!
The more oxygen the body receives, the healthier the cells of the body will be. The healthier the cells are, the better your overall health. Ample Fresh Air lowers your blood pressure and increases your circulation, also increasing the removal of waste from the bloodstream, especially if Exercise is enjoyed outdoors. Fresh Air stimulates a healthy appetite and promotes good nutrient absorption. Fresh Air also induces sound sleep, allowing you to wake up refreshed.
Socrates asserted that the purest form of happiness was sharing with someone else something you have learned. He was definitely onto something. Sharing what you’ve learned with others is also the best way to retain information, “FOR HE WHO TEACHES LEARNS TWICE”. Educate, educate, educate. Not only will it make the information more concrete in your mind, it will also benefit those with whom you share.
Good health includes the mind, body and soul, and as such, learning must be a continual, progressive, and lifelong journey.
Medical Missionary trained and evangelist, Jennifer Raynow
Medical Missionary trained and evangelist, Jennifer Raynow
Jennifer Raynow teaches how to cook tofu using many different techniques.
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